Recruiting Made Easy For
College Coaches
How ImRecruitable helps you build a winning roster!
Filter to find the best recruits
With thousands of recruits on our platform, you can filter to your specific recruiting needs and find the best athletes for your program
View athlete profiles
Click on athletes profiles and access highlight videos, transcripts, test scores, athletic stats, contact information, and more!
Follow and manage your recruits
Coaches can follow prospective recruits and export all their information to an excel sheet and upload to your compliance software such as front rush.
Interested recruits
Get notified when a recruit is interested in your school and also filter athlete activity in our platform
Athletes Verified Stamp of Approval

Athletes with a verified stamp of approval have gone through our verification process.
Search Athletes and Build Your
Winning Team
Filter athletes based on specific recruiting needs that would be good fit for your program
Export a recruit's information
See which athletes are interested in your school and last school view

Click athlete to view full profile
Follow recruits you're interested in
Enter your MINIMUM recruiting needs that recruits can match up with
Academic/Athletic Preferences & Additional Info

Enter your team's minimum academic requirements
Enter your minimum athletic preferences to match up with your preferred recruits
Tell prospects about your school and team
Program Info

Enter your program information, team size, if athlete scholarships are available, etc.
Roster Openings

List spots your team is looking to fill. Include year, position and details.
your ImRecruitable Coach Account to find the best fit recruits for your program!
How To - Different filter options
How To - Search for specific grad year
How To - Search for specific athletic stat
How To - Search for specific academic stat
How To - View a recruiting profile
How To - Switch Sports
How To - Follow a recruit
How To - See which recruits are interested in your program
How To - Export recruits
How To - Add recruiting needs
How To - Verified Athlete Stamp Of Approval

Coach | NAIA | Heart of America Conference
“ImRecruitable is a trusted online network of athletes. I have recruited several players over the years who have helped me build a successful team!"

Coach | D1 | Ivy League
"ImRecruitable helps me identify prospects. I would highly recommend athletes, parents and coaches to use it!"

Coach | D2 | GLIAC
"ImRecruitable has allowed me to find many great recruits for my program. I like it the most because it's very easy to use."
Coach | D3 | NESCAC
"ImRecruitable has the best profile setup for athletes. It allows coaches to quickly evaluate a prospect."